The foundation


Two very successful friends, Jürg Eichenberger, a very successful entrepreuneur from Basel and Michael Bergman, a committed doctor from Germany, met once and exchanged their thoughts. Doctor Bergman, who is a very committed doctor in Africa, told Jürg all about his experiences in an hospital in Tanzania, more precisely in Tosamaganga.


The living conditions in the hospital were particularly alarming. There were inadequate basic medical care, poor power supply and lack of water.


This moment was the trigger for Jürg Eichenberger to provide help. He founded FRIENDS OF TOSAMAGANGA 15 years ago and put together a team of engineers, doctors, and medical professionals. Their mission is to improve sustainably the living conditions in Tosamaganga and to facilitate a better medical help to the people living there.

The motivation is to give back what we are lucky take for granted.

Members of the foundation

Foundation Founder

Jürg Eichenberger, Unternehmer

Foundation Members
Beat Fuchs, Stiftungsratspräsident, Dipl. Ing. FH
Caroline Grunder, Finanzen Stiftung
Robert E. Oellinger, Mitglied, Prof. Dr. med.
Sonia Eichenberger, Mitglied
Michael Krarup, Dipl. Ing. FH, Mitglied
Rudolf Reichen, Mitglied, El. Technik
Salma Fuchs-Butenge, Mitglied

Technic-Team in Tosamaganga
Peter Büschlen
Rudolf Reichen
Michael Krarup
Beat Fuchs

Martin Reichen



Our plan

Our commitment is far from being over.


Become a FRIEND OF TOSAMAGANGA and help us to keep on doing this important mission.


Thank you so much for your support!